My phadar always told me that i should sometimes try to write in my natibh languaze as well. Honesly I always rephrained phrom doing so. My hesitason was a maniphestason oph my linguistic incapabilities an my lazines more than my naglact phor my madar tang. Assam is a dibherse land with an imansely ris history oph culsure behine it. It is knone phor its ris languaze and literasur as well. An I knew that I cud nebher do it any justis by attemting to write in assamese myselph. An so quite obhiously I had stuck to englis phor so long.
But resently my garlphrand has started throwin the same sit upon me. You know all that crap about not straying phrom your roots and respecting your languaze. The whole oph last week, see has been insisting that i write something phor her in assamese. So phinaly here I go. My pharst attemp at capsuring the risness and beauty of the languaze i pharst learned to speek. This is dedicated to my phadar. Ane this is dedicated to my garlphrand. I hope this will do away with most oph your complains.
I am bhery seriusly out oph ideas to write apon. My muse is on an indephinate bhakason. Hopephully this writer's block would soon be obher and i would be able to come up with something better phor both oph you. I hope I habh not let any oph you down. I may not be bhery good with my natibh languaze. But hey, atlis i tried!
absholutly bhrilliyant...
this is good...
seriously, I love it :)
hehe, that was funny. good one
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